Divorce or Estate Settlement  

I'm facing a divorce. Now what? 

A divorce is emotionally devastating. The trauma is only worsened by the financial obligations of both parties and division of assets. Are you jointly going to sell the property? Or, is one spouse staying and purchasing the others equity? Either way you need an objective third party to value the property. Harley Appraisals, LLC a certified real estate appraiser in the State of Virginia can provide you with an unbiased professional valuation. This is not something to be guessed upon. 


Estate Settlement. What's fair?

The loss of a loved one is heartbreaking. Settling an estate often times calls for an appraisal to determine a fair unbiased opinion upon the settlement of the property. Harley Appraisals, LLC, a certified licensed real estate appraiser in the State of Virginia is committed to a discreet, professional handling of your loved ones estate. Having a third party certified appraiser ensures all parties involved feel they have been fairly represented.

For a fair unbiased valuation of your property. call 804-464-8947